STEW-Map Hawaiʻi

A Stewardship mapping project of North Kona and South Kohala

What is STEW-Map

The goal of the Stewardship Mapping and Assessment Project (STEW-MAP) is to strengthen our understanding of community-based stewardship and to create a resource that can strengthen community capacity to mālama ʻāina or steward the environment. STEW-MAP is a program of the US Forest Service.

What is The Benefit

STEW-MAP provides a publicly available, online stewardship database and a map of community organizations and other groups that work to conserve, manage, monitor, transform, advocate for, and/or educate the public about their local environments.

This database will show the many ways that people care for North Kona and South Kohala. It also becomes a resource for community groups and partner agencies to effectively communicate and collaborate with each other, to identify opportunities to support community-based efforts and to enhance the capacity of the stewards of our communities.

How Does it Work?

  1. In July 2017, the stewardship survey sent out to groups who requested it and/or groups that are known or suggested as stewardship organizations working in North Kona and South Kohala. Next, the survey was sent to groups, organizations, and agencies named as collaborators by those who initially took the survey. The survey can be taken online, on paper, or in person.
  2. The project team integrates the information to create a public database of projects.
  3. With the full consent of participating groups, the information is used to create a publicly accessible online map and database of groups involved in stewardship.

Partnerships & Support

Pacific Southwest Research Station
US Forest Service
Hui Aloha Kiholo